Iris Classification – Beardless Irises

The following is derived from information on The American Iris Society (AIS) website at The AIS divides irises most often used as garden plants into three main groups: Bearded Irises, Aril Irises and Beardless Irises.

Beardless Irises normally bloom after Tall Bearded Iris (except for the Pacific Coast Native which blooms before the TBs). There are 6 types of irises classified as Beardless Iris: Spurias, Siberians, Japanese, Louisianas, Pacific Coast Natives and Species. Because the majority of these bloom after the TBs, they often extend the iris season in the garden.

1. Spurias (SPU) are between 2 and 5 feet tall and very elegant-looking. The bloom shape is often like an orchid. Spurias come in many colors and often have a bright yellow signal.


2. Siberians (SIB) come in multiple colors: blue, purple, red-violet, yellow, brown and orange. They prefer cooler temperatures, moisture and like a slightly acidic soil. Their blooms can be upright or round and flat. They look best when grown in clumps at a height of 2 to 4 feet. They usually bloom right after the TBs and their grass-like foliage is an attractive garden feature.

3. Japanese (JI) iris also prefer slightly acidic soil. Their blooms are gorgeous – huge, ruffled and flat. Japanese bloom about a month after TBs.

4. Louisianas (LA) are native to the U.S. Gulf Coast area. They perform best in somewhat acid soil and prefer to be wet in the spring. Blooms have brightly colored style-arms and also signal-crests; they are usually wide open.

Iris 'Black Gamecock', Louisiana Iris, Purple Iris, Purple flowers, Dark Flowers, Dark Iris

5. Pacific Coast Natives (PCN) are normally grown in the far western part of the U.S only due to climatic conditions. They are usually one to two feet tall and are graceful, dainty flowers.

6. Species iris have 2 classifications: I. confusa and I. missouriensis. The latter prefer wet springs and dry summers; we often refer to them as Blue Flag or Rocky Mountain iris. The former want conditions similar to azaleas in a frost free climate.

Iris missouriensis - Wikipedia

Iris Classification – Aril Irises

The following is derived from information on The American Iris Society (AIS) website at The AIS divides irises most often used as garden plants into three main groups: Bearded Irises, Aril Irises and Beardless Irises.

Aril irises include oncocyclus and regelia irises of the Near East. Both types have beards; however, they are not classified as bearded irises, their beards are sparse. Beards on regelias are long and straggly. Beards on oncocyclus are more like a “fuzzy” patch. Arils have a dark spot below the beards, called signal spots, there is a lot of veining and speckling in a large range of colors.

Arils are normally found in only the warmest and driest regions of the U.S. A hybrid called arilbred was produced by crossing arils with bearded irises. Arilbreds are easier to grow here and still have the features of an aril. Most are tall with large blooms that bloom with the SDBs and the IBs (earlier than TBs).

Smaller arilbreds have also been produced by crossing arils or arilbreds with dwarf or median bearded irises.
